Mystery Chrome 0-day exploit to be unveiled in India on Saturday | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

A Georgian security researcher is due to present details of an unpatched vulnerability in Google's Chrome browser at the Malcon security conference in India over the weekend.


Years ago the circumstances of Ucha Gobejishvili's presentation would hardly have raised an eyebrow but that was before Google began offering up to $60,000 in bug bounties for the low-down on most serious, remotely exploitable bugs in its Chrome web browser software.


Gobejishvili has apparently forgone potential financial rewards by leaving Google in the dark before unwrapping a remotely exploitable hole in the Chrome web browser, which reportedly involves a critical vulnerability in a Chrome DLL. More details are due to emerge at a presentation by Gobejishvili at the International Malware Conference (MalCon) in New Delhi on Saturday (24 November).


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