Why do we ignore up to 90% of computer security alerts? | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

If you speak to most experts in the field, they’ll agree on at least one thing: computer security isn’t really a technological problem.

Although the right software and hardware can help reduce the online threats your company might face, ultimately IT security is a human problem.

And humans, as we all know from personal experience, aren’t perfect and are prone to sometimes making bad judgements and mistakes.

You can have all the defences in the world in place to protect your organisation’s data, but if one of the fleshy human beings you have on your payroll makes a silly mistake, everything can come tumbling down like a deck of cards.

So I was interested to read that researchers at Brigham Young University (BYU) conducted a study into how much attention people take of the security alerts that appear on their PC – or any kind of pop-up message.


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