'Flashback' virus shows Macs more vulnerable | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Because Mac laptops' market share has grown so much, it appears Macs are being targeted more.


I hope the very legitimate sense of security Mac users have long had isn’t turning into a false sense of security.


“For years, Mac users have been able to believe that they are safer than the average computer user and turned their noses up at antivirus software. But as Apple’s market share has grown, so has the threat to Mac users’ security,” the Washington Post reports. Specifically, the Post was referring to a virus called “Flashback” that may have infected “up to 600,000 Macs … mostly in the United States and Canada” which seem now to be part of growing bonnet.” A botnet is a network of “bots” (also called “zombie networks”) that are basically compromised computers – infected computers that are obviously no longer controlled entirely by their owners.


Flashback “should be a wake-up call to those who still think that their Mac is invulnerable to attacks like this,” the Posts added.


The security advice offered in the article sounds a whole lot like what PC owners have been told for very a long time: