Ransomware 101: FAQ for computer and smartphone owners | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

What is ransomware?
Ransomware is the generic term for any malicious software that, as its name suggests, demands a ransom be paid by the computer’s user.

Why would you want to pay a ransom?
Because the ransomware has done something unpleasant to your computer, and potentially to your data.


For instance, it might have encrypted your documents and demanded that you pay a ransom to unlock access to them. This type of ransomware is known as a filecoder.


The most notorious filecoder is Cryptolocker. (Numerous versions of this are detected by ESET antivirus products as Win32/Filecoder).


Read our FAQ to become more clued-up about the ransomware threat, and ensure that your systems are properly protected.


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