How Social Media Approval Workflows Strengthen Agency-Client Relationships | Social Media and Healthcare |

As social becomes a core part of agency offerings, you need to have the infrastructure in place to operate smoothly at scale.


Post approvals are a small but powerful step in any social media service offering. At their worst, they can involve a lot of follow-up, creating a time suck for both you and your client. But at their best, they can create client stickiness.


Client-agency relationships get stronger when these processes become mini-opportunities for collaboration. Here’s how:

1. Demonstrate the value of social with a routine touchpoint

Social is your world, but for your clients, it’s just a fraction of their day-to-day. Approval workflows promote more active collaboration between you and your client’s teams.

2. Prevent mistakes before they happen

Maintain a strong foundation of trust by building quality assurance into your publishing process.

3. Promote collaboration in times of crisis

When a crisis strikes and your schedule is thrown out the window, post approvals help support sudden shifts in content production.