4 Metrics to Track if You’re Using Social Messaging for Customer Care | Social Media and Healthcare | Scoop.it

Set goals and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) to help your social media and customer care teams focus on the metrics that matter.


How to set social messaging goals and KPIs

There are countless key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your social media programs.

Social messaging KPIs are different. Conversations on messaging channels are often service-related, so these KPIs are generally aligned with the metrics used by customer service teams in a contact center.

When setting social messaging KPIs, our advice is to keep it simple. Focus on the four universal social messaging goals, identify the most relevant KPIs to track those goals, then adapt, experiment, and repeat as you refine and optimize your strategy.


1. Fast response time and always-on service
2. Efficient problem solving
3. Coverage across all channels
4. Happy customers