4 Things You Can Do to Build a Healthy and Thriving Email List | Social Media and Healthcare | Scoop.it

There’s tremendous marketing potential in an email address.


Make the most of this opportunity by building a reliable, healthy email list. Otherwise, you not only decrease your ROI, but also your emails may end up landing in your spam folder or never arriving at all.


So, what should you focus on to build a list that is healthy and thrives? Let’s look at some of the most important steps.


1. Get people to confirm they want to be on your email list

Building a healthy email list means your subscribers intentionally signed up. To make sure of that, ask everyone to confirm they subscribed to your emails. The double opt-in method is the most effective.


2. Use ReCAPTCHA to reach real people

You could be managing a healthy list and receive a deluge of sign-ups that will frequently be followed by spam complaints, unsubscribes or bounces. It’s because a bot signed up. A healthy, thriving list consists of human subscribers and not bots. 


3. Use an email validation API to keep bad data off your list

Email sign-up forms are great for allowing people an easy way to start getting your newsletters. However, if you’re not careful, sign-up forms are also gateways for bad data. These are issues you can’t prevent in real time, but an email validation API will.


A reputable email validation service should have an API that you can connect to your sign-up form to block harmful emails. In most cases, if an address is typed in incorrectly, the API will notify the person that they’ve made a mistake.


4: Check your entire list in bulk regularly

Email validation is critical if you want an email list that thrives, but even the good contacts on your list can go bad. People change their email addresses for a variety of reasons, especially workplace addresses, so verify your email list in bulk a few times a year.


There’s no value to sending emails if they will bounce. It only harms your deliverability and sender reputation.


read between the pointers above at the original post https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/372196