Twitter-Nice Threads | #SocialMedia  | Social Media and its influence |
Nice Threads


We’ve made it easy to create a thread by adding a plus button in the composer, so you can connect your thoughts and publish your threaded Tweets all at the same time. You can continue adding more Tweets to your published thread at any time with the new “Add another Tweet” button. Additionally, it’s now simpler to spot a thread – we’ve added an obvious “Show this thread” label.


A few weeks ago, we expanded our character count to make it easier for people to fit what they’re thinking into a Tweet. But we know people also may want to serialize a longer storyor thought, or provide ongoing commentary on an event or topic. That’s where this update to threads comes in!


You’ve been using threads in creative ways like these for years – the ways and reasons to thread your Tweets are limited only by your imagination.


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