Pin Your Scoop: Create Visual Collections From Your Best Scoops | Social Media and its influence |

Robin Good: If you are looking for ways to let your content to reach more people and to get discovered by those who are not yet aware of you, the new Pinterest integration in should certainly be a welcome addition.


With this new addition, not only you can share your curated stories inside your newsradar with your Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr and Wordpress friends, but you can also "pin" selected ones to create alternative "collections" on Pinterest.

One potentially good approach is the one of leveraging Pinterest to do what is not (yet) so good at. For example, after you have been curating a newsradar for a while, you can easily create "greatest hits" collections out of the best ones, or sub-thematic digests on specific topics, and Pinterest is a perfect tool to do that.

In essence you can "re-curate" your own curated news, in alternative ways which take advantage of Pinterest strength in building "visual collections" rather than news channels.

More info:  

Via Robin Good