Content Curation Could Be Your Most Powerful Community-Building Tool | Content Marketing Institute | Social Media and its influence |

Susan McKittrick, an analyst with Patricia Seybold Group, wrote in this her article:


"We hear a lot about content curation these days. Some call it a top trend for 2012 and a must-see new technology for marketers.


A content curator assembles a quality collection of third-party and original content that is of keen interest to a particular audience, selects the best content for presentation, adds commentary valuable to the audience and publishes to the audience’s preferred channels. Content curation tools use technology to facilitate these steps.


Marketers use content curation to establish a reputation as a trusted resource in a particular area, to build an audience (that eventually buys) above the funnel, and to foster interaction with a community of people who share specific interests.


You will find a good example of content curation in action at Curators of this website draw on top quality content created by others combined with their own original content to present.


An enterprise content curation tool will:

- Help you find the best content;
- Make it fast and easy to select items and add commentary;
- Provide flexibility in presentation and distribution of curated content;
- Support the information consumer’s experience, through personalization and navigation;
- Report data marketers need to improve execution, demonstrate value and gain customer insight.

Some of the enterprise content curation tools you’ll want to consider are:


- CIThread -
- Eqentia -
- HiveFire -
- Loud3r -
- PublishThis -  


read full original article

Via Giuseppe Mauriello