How To Measure Social Media Efforts | distilled | Measuring the Networked Nonprofit |

Curated by Beth Kanter

This post has a lot of useful links and visual cheat sheets.   The links and key points that caught my eye:

1)  Mangaging the content and social media marketing process

Awesome visual cheat sheet - see above

2)  Metrics Matter

Identify the best social media channels to suit you. Work to prove the value of one of those channel and then scale up. Of course, this is not to say you should neglect other communities but focus some initial resources towards getting one of your channels working and then look to the others. Building a relationship with your community takes time and there’s no quick fix approach to an effective social media strategy. Dedicate time daily to check in on inboxes, mentions and comments in order to keep up with all of your various sources.

Free Metrics Tool that tracks followers, retweets, and mentions

3.)   How To Use Google's URL Builder

Shows how you can track social traffic vs other traffic.

4.)   The importance of staying agile and how it contribues to success - with a terrific word cloud on the qualities of success online