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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How One Quiryky Toy Company Gets Open Innovation Right

How One Quiryky Toy Company Gets Open Innovation Right | Startup Revolution |

Quirky Toy Company
Reading about Fat Brain's openness to innnovation and innovators reminded me of trying to sell my magnetic word game, Poetryslam, to Milton Bradley.

Every major toy company DOESN'T WANT (or didn't want) to talk to innovators. So sure where they your pitch would be something they already had in their files.

Stupid is as stupid does and this post about Fat Brian shows what a nimble competitor can do against such petrified thinking. Post reminded us of Our company, Curagami, is about to pitch several major clients on why they need a Quirky-like playground where innovators share, talk and receive the legitimacy they need.

If that sounds like we will be hatching a handful of mini-Milton Bradley's powered by ideas, smartphones, laptops and cool ideas you got it right. And why not? Fat Brain may get it, but they are still in the miniority in the less digitally innovative than they need to be toy biz. 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Startups: Why Adding Scoopit Magazines Is Great Content Marketing

Startups: Why Adding Scoopit Magazines Is Great Content Marketing | Startup Revolution |

Adding Scoopit Magazines
This post shares the easy how and why of adding "magazines" to your blog or websties. We work with and around a lot of startups. Every startup is so widget focused they have a hard time creating the content marketing needed. 

Why is content marketing so NEEDED for startups? Well let's see. Want to get funded? Want to scale? Content marketing can help, but virtually no startup thinks that way. 

Every startup we know is so widget focused they can't see forest for trees. Widget focus isn't unimportant, but at some point soon you will need to sell that widget to someone for money. Content is the magic key in that "sell to someone for money" door. 

The best return on any startup's content marketing time is to curate content - i.e. leverage brand relevant content from experts. When you don't have time or inclination to create great content you can get more reach and return from finding highly relevant sources (for your business content) and curating them. 

Be sure to follow and contribute to those who you curate from too (or your curation can feel like stealing). This Curagami post explains how easy it is to curate content with and then add the magazines you create to your startup's blog or site. 

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Suggested by Marius Fermi!

10 Truths of Simply Selling [Slidedeck] | Tactical Sales

10 Truths of Simply Selling [Slidedeck] | Tactical Sales | Startup Revolution |
It’s time we take a step back, away from all of the ideas and best practices of sales and the art that is selling and consider what the simple, indisputable truths are of selling.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

A tad "old school" but helpful selling tips such as:

#1 Initiating Contact

#2 Quick Qualification

#3 Demonstrate Your Offer


There are 10 similar "sales 101" tips. P&G taught me an excellent format to tell a sales story (back in the day lol):

Summarize The Situation (set up your pitch factually)
State The Idea (clear, short, punchy)
Explain How It Works (use examples and made to stick analogies)
Share Benefits (only two benefits make or save money)

We BUY with EMOTION and that format is organized around logic, but skillful salespeople know how to weave that format into what feels like a spontaneous and relevant story.

One of my favorite quotes is the old Indian saying:

Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.

Use the P&G format to organize but then riff a story, follow up with relevant links and social media to "simply sell" today.

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Suggested by Equally Simple!

7 Business Lessons from CNBC's "The Profit" by Marcus Lemonis

7 Business Lessons from CNBC's "The Profit" by Marcus Lemonis | Startup Revolution |
Lessons by Marcus Lemonis of CNBC's hit show, "The Profit", for small business owners. We take a close look at lessons learned from all Season 1 episodes.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great companies mentioned here along with 6 great Small to Medium Sized Business Tips:

Season 1, Episode 1: Car Cash

Season 1, Episode 2: Jacob Maarse Florists

Season 1, Episode 3: Planet Popcorn

Business isn’t personal
Season 1, Episode 4: Eco-Me

Value your people

Season 1, Episode 5: LA Dogworks

Know your numbers
Season 1, Episode 6: Mr. Green Tea



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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from It's Your Business!

13 Most Effective Crowd Funding Tips For Startups

13 Most Effective Crowd Funding Tips For Startups | Startup Revolution |

All startups need money, unless the owners are loaded. Where does that money come from? From fundraising efforts, both offline and online. Online fundraising is a lot more effective because of its sheer reach. Here are several tips for startups on how to obtain crowd funding for their projects.

Via The Fish Firm II
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

13 great tips here and about half of them are just great internet marketing tips. 

jg3000's curator insight, November 30, 2013 11:52 PM

Thanks for the vital tips.

Happy Holidays!!!

mohammed lakhlili's curator insight, January 7, 2014 3:53 PM


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Silvia Aris's curator insight, March 5, 2014 6:11 AM

Seguire questi 13 passaggi è un ottimo modo per gestire il crowdfunding della vostra startup. Se avete in mente di finanziarla con questo metodo, i consigli di Art Of The Start fanno al caso vostro.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Latest Social Media News!

Steps On How to Acquire Customers For Your Startup [INFOGRAPHIC] |

Steps On How to Acquire Customers For Your Startup [INFOGRAPHIC] | | Startup Revolution |

Step by step guidelines for startups on how to acquire customers.


Full image at:



Via Gerrit Bes
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great content marketing infographic for startups. 

Nadia Christian's curator insight, September 3, 2013 10:21 AM

As a start-up if you aren't sure how to get started acquiring customers, here is a visual to get you going.

Sieg Holle's curator insight, September 7, 2013 5:38 AM

We are going to py this to the test using e-cigarrettes which solves the cancer or anti tpbaccp health agenda 

Thibaut Odeyer's curator insight, November 20, 2014 7:56 AM

Etapes à suivre pour attirer sa clientèle potentielle 

Suggested by Gusani Infotech!

Video Marketing Tips For #Startups

Video Marketing Tips For #Startups | Startup Revolution |
We've taken a look at how to add a YouTube subscribe button to your site, and how to customize it to suit your site's style.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This post explains HOW to add a YouTube button to a website. The reason tis advice is particularly important for #startups is VIDEO is an important marketing medium for any startup. Startups have something NEW and COOL happening frequently.

CAPTURE those moments and put up a YouTube channel. Now here is the tricky part. Don't JUST put up a YouTube channel. If you know #socialmedia you know your content makes the rich. Rich in traffic, SEO and money.

Only way to make sure your content makes YOU money to is:

1. Drive links back from your social properties.

2. Always THINK about what content should go to THEM vs. YOU.

Your content should be more "Tell the story of US". YouTube content should be about how you fit into the tribe of whatever it is you do. If you are a leader be sure to act like one by NOT claiming to be a leader. Best way to BE a leader online is to curate content across proprietary lines.

Startups take note VIDEO is your medium and be sure to play some videos inside your technical stack in addition to having a YouTube channel Remember to make yourself rich not just Google and Facebook.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How Much Content Should You Be Creating?

How Much Content Should You Be Creating? | Startup Revolution |

Marty - some valid points here, but I distrust post that tell me no one size fits all and then tries to get me to wear one size. I also distrust polls that are set up to have a clear easy winner (as theirs is). Read my notes before reading the piece.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Not So Much
I love it when people say they are going to create LESS content of higher quality. If you knew how to do that then you would be on a beach somewhere sipping a frosty drink with little umbrellas in it.

No ONE knows what "quality" is until you've created enough content to take a hard look at the numbers. This is why I like consistency. I create content daily and don't wait for some "perfection" that I can't determine.

We don't determine QUALITY scores anymore THEY DO. To suggest otherwise is dangerous hubris and goofystupid. Listen more than you talk, create something everyday based on what you learned and when you stumble upon greatness double down.

Don't ask the wrong question in the wrong way and HOW MUCH is exactly the wrong question. Write what you believe and think. Watch your shares, engagement numbers (time on site, pages viewed) and test a new idea (always). Over time you will see patterns.

When in doubt ASK. No harm in admitting you are confused or unsure and asking your supporters for help. When THEY help YOU a magical thing happens transforming YOU and THEM into US.

Startups think about content LAST. This is a mistake. Content is tied to MONEY and money is the lubrication that keeps everything running. Startups should start wide sharing as much of what is happening TODAY as possible. This makes potential investors feel they know you before writing a check.

Sharing content creates TRUST and no one invests in people or things they don't trust. Consistency is important for Startups. Create content DAILY and when you see a chance for a schedule create one and publish it. Mondays are about X and Wednesdays about Y. Schedules create trust too.

Only those NEW to Internet marketing spend a lot of time thinking and pulling their hair out about HOW something should be done. This process concern reminds me of sitting with my former catalog bosses one day. They told me they spent hours teasing out whether a hero image (largest image on a webpage is a "hero") should be this way or that.

They asked me what I thought. "It doesn't matter," I told them and their faces fell. They were used to a decision like that, the cover of a catalog, costing tens of thousands of dollars. The hero for our webpage didn't matter because we would change it in seven days (if not sooner) anyway AND I didn't have to guess.

DATA would start to flow the minute we put the image up. They were used to expensive tests that took months to resolve. I was used to inexpensive tests we did all the time, so no reason to EVEN HAVE the process conversation.

So much of this debate is of the "It doesn't matter" variety. Every moment you THNK about creating great content instead of creating SOME content and testing are a moment lost. YOU don't crate great content. You create content and THEY decide if it is great or not. Best way I know to create GREAT content is create consistently and learn as you go.

When I was a Director of Ecommerce here is something I said frequently to my team, "We are going to do SOMETHING even if it is the wrong thing". Never regretted saying it or anything we did because SOMETHING always beats NOTHING online.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, June 15, 2013 3:59 PM
Great comment Daniel. Nice Scoops too. Thanks, Marty
Sean Ryan O'Neill's curator insight, June 16, 2013 6:51 AM

Excellent read, including the comments which followed. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, July 10, 2013 7:16 PM
Had an interesting follow on conversation with Jan Gordon about the question of how much. MORE is an important idea because you can't analyze feedback on content you don't create and publish. More can also be a turnoff for some, but the way we consume content along with everything else is changing. Instead of reading everything all the way through we dip in and dip out. Twitter and other social nets are either leading or reinforcing this ADD-like behavior. Well let's not judge it. It is what it is. No one READS anymore we scan so MORE scanable content in more places is good. Even BAD content is valuable since its creator learns NOT to create that kind of content, but ONLY if they publish. If a team "Sistine Chapels" their content waiting for a perfection that will never arrive they kill feedback needed to thrive.
Suggested by Ivan Mazour!

3 failures and 3 Lessons -The Entrepreneur As A Young Man In London

3 failures and 3 Lessons -The Entrepreneur As A Young Man In London | Startup Revolution |
Over the past decade I have founded a number of companies – seven, in fact. All of them are still running, even though not all have gone well.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

The best lessons almost always come from miserable, heart wrenching failure.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

$10,000 With These 5 Content Marketing Tricks For Startups

$10,000 With These 5 Content Marketing Tricks For Startups | Startup Revolution |
The founder of iDoneThis shares his top tips for amping up your startup's content-marketing strategy.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Startups often forget about content marketing. All attention is on the widget. Problem is if no one knows about your widget it is a tree falling the forest with no one there to hear it. Here are 5 content marketing secrets that are focused on making money now from content marketing. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How A Startup Built A Community With Content Marketing | NewsCred Blog

How A Startup Built A Community With Content Marketing | NewsCred Blog | Startup Revolution |
When we read about content marketing successes, we so often hear stories from glamorous industries with substantial budgets, but YNAB is not one of these stories. In fact, it couldn’t be farther from that reality. It is however, a success story of David vs Goliath proportions, building a thriving community of users in a highly
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Yeah, every startup I've ever met or worked on should be reading this post. Content marketing and content curation is so much more important than any startup team realizes and as this post proves. The first startup with a Chief Content Officer is something you should invest in.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Recycle Old Blogs Into Shiny New Content (Part1) For Startups

Recycle Old Blogs Into Shiny New Content (Part1) For Startups | Startup Revolution |

Marty Note

Startups are so pressed for time they often ignore or make a C priority developing content marketing. That is a huge mistake when it comes time to close a round of funding.

Startups with following have leverage and so may survive. In this excellent two part series Andrian Leighton shares tips on how to blog and how to recycle old blog posts into new content. With these tips every startup has the time to develop the most overlooked but important thing almost all startups overlook - effective content marketing.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why Startups Should Use Pinterest

Why Startups Should Use Pinterest | Startup Revolution |

Pinterest & Startups
This image of Batgirl staring out of a doorway is one of Scenttrail's most popular pins ( ). Pinterest is important for startups because:

* Marketing is becoming VISUAL & Pinterest excels at visual marketing.

* Pinterest is asynchronous to other social nets.
* Pinterest is EASY and doesn't require much time.
* Pinterest creates community faster than other social nets.

That last bullet should have a caveat. Pintererst builds community FAST once you figure out the secret handshake. I was frustrated with how long it was taking to develop a following.

I would share content on Pinterest and I could never understand what seemed to matter, so I shared LOTS more content (one key to success). I also Repinned from others and commented on pins.

All of those tactics helped, but the real dam breaker was creating the King and Queen of Pinterest boards:

The real winner is the Queen of Pinterest with over 400 pinners now and a great daily rhythm. Community boards do get spammed so I developed some simple guidelines, pinned those guidelines (and do so again and again when the board starts to get spammy).

The victory with King and Queen of Pinterest shares an important secret. Pinterest is a tad solipsistic. People who love to pin really LOVE to pin. There are cult-like moments (lol). So one way to connect is to have a board that shares obsession with Pinterest.

Your startup may not be obsessed with Pinterest, but bet you need to develop a following. When I started the King and Queen of Pinterest boards I had 114 followers. Now, about six months later, Scenttrail has more than 5,000 followers.

Cool thing about community boards is people begin to tell their friends. I invited about half the people pinning on Queen of Pinterest. Interesting I invited 90% of the men (lol). Women understand the core of social media better. They are more naturally social about topics that people love to pin about such as culture, art, celebrity, travel, weight loss, etc...

If you are a startup you should be using Pinterest if only because it builds community, once you figure out a secret or two, faster than any other social net. The other reason Pinterest is important for startups is its focus on asynchronous visual marketing. Learn "asynchronous marketing" even a little and your startup will rock.

Antoine Catt's curator insight, May 28, 2014 2:45 AM

Pinterest: easiest, fastest way to get startups build a community and recognition.

Suggested by Lila Wonderbra!

15 Blogs For Tech Startup Press Coverage

15 Blogs For Tech Startup Press Coverage | Startup Revolution |
Getting your tech startup covered in press isn't easy. Nonetheless, it's one of the most valuable activities which provides your endeavor with links and
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Startup Press Coverage
Couple of suggestions on top of this article. Follow these blogs before you send them an email asking for something. Follow their Tweets and get to know their blog voice and tone.

Next check out their writers and publishers on LinkedIn. Get to know their backgrounds and what kinds of stories they like to cover and with whom. Writers have specialties. One writer might do all the new app cover another covers new CMS or CRMs.

Finally make sure your web presence is solid before you seek coverage. Any ASK of a PR contact will result first in a visit to your site. Make sure your site is consistent with your email, engaging, exciting and full of the kind of candy the blog likes to discuss.

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Suggested by Agnipravo Sengupta!

Why Should A Startup Have A Social Media Presence?

Why Should A Startup Have A Social Media Presence? | Startup Revolution |

SHARE First & Worry About Everything Else Second
This Business 2 Community post is written for "business" but certainly applicable to startups. Startups must realize that "process is product". 
Process is product means everything you are doing right NOW is a product. 

The soon a startup begins publishing, broadcasting and sharing the easier it gets, the richer the fast feedback loops become and the more chances for success they create. 

Many startups think what they have is so amazing that it can't be shared. With few exceptions (biotech) it is NEVER the case that your thoughts are unique or so unknown that your share will quake the world. 

Any business is created in the execution developed for the idea. To worry about someone stealing your idea is to worry about the tide. Focus your energy on getting as much information out and in as many hands as you can as fast as you can. SHARE. 

Realize that the most important "product" you build is the team capable of building something, pivoting on a dime and responding to what they hear with meaningful and amazing results.  

If you don't have a way to capture your journey find one (write, video, infographics, animation, stories). Your goal should be to create the means of production - the framework where you can easily harvest UGC (User Generated Content) anytime needed. 

UGC is more important to a startup than oxygen. UGC helps gauge reaction, shape your product and determine a startup's future.  

Related Reading
Process Is Product on ScentTrail Marketing 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, September 10, 2013 6:42 PM
Jimmy, your and the 80 or so other rescoops of this post convince me it will make a good post for @Atlanticbt. Thanks, Marty
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, September 10, 2013 7:10 PM
Great insight from Guilherme Pompeo.
Haley Evans's curator insight, November 14, 2013 11:34 AM

Social media is one of the main forms of communications in today’s society. Whether it is between publics, consumers, or businesses, social media is an essential way of communicating with one another.  Business are able to use social media in many different ways to help there company and to expand the company to different publics.  By using social media companies are able to not only reach more publics, but have a better chance at becoming a well-known and successful company in the business and consumer world.  One reason why social media is important for a business is advertising.  In Adventure in Public relations, Guth and Marsh explain how much advertising can be done on social media and how affective it is in comparison to other Medias.  Advertisement on social media can be run twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.  It also shows the best of all types of media. The advertisement can show pictures, video, sound, and text. By using social media to advertise, your business has potential to reach consumers worldwide.  When you are reaching consumers worldwide the chances of your company making it big increase significantly. 

On top of the advertisement being able to reach so many people, it is extremely cost-effective as well.  Using cost-effecting is another important reason why social media is so important.  It can be extremely expensive to print off thousands of flyers and brochures, or to place ads in a newspaper.  A company can launch a new product on a social media site for free!  To add to this by using social media the company is also able to be time efficient.  When advertising or simply working to reach target consumers and publics, it is made easy with social media.  On social media sites a company can advertise their products and launch dates on the screen, if a user likes a link or an add on their page they are able to follow the company and receive more promotions and ads to that company on their other social media sites.  These platforms help to target the business’ audience and consumers more easily and efficiently. Lastly a huge perk of using social media for your company is that you are able to get timely feedback from consumers.  Guth and Marsh explain that it is important to keep and a close following on the feedback that is given from consumers and when the company receives feedback, make sure to respond quickly and efficiently.

Suggested by OsakaSaul!

Learn To Tag With Extreme Prejudice and Why Tagged Content ROCKS Sartups

Learn To Tag With Extreme Prejudice and Why Tagged Content ROCKS Sartups | Startup Revolution |
I'm going to side-by-side it for you: with versus without one reaching hashtag.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Don't let this article's assumptions put you off. If you are a #startup and just getting your feet wet with content curation and content marketing you may run screaming into the night after reading this post - stick with it and you will be a better content marketer for it. 

Key takeaway is tagged content is better than untagged and the tools and process describe here will help any startup know how to tag with extreme prejudice :). M  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Curation Revolution!

5 Common Startup SEO Mistakes

5 Common Startup SEO Mistakes | Startup Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, July 10, 2013 9:15 AM
Like Stephanie's postage stamp analogy. Some social tools such as @Scoopit can become creation tools too (not just delivery vehicles). is a hybrid both postage stamp, letter and curated letter (from other sources). Why it rocks SEO and is fun to use. Also the fastest feedback loop on the web :). M
Esther Turón Perez 's comment, July 18, 2013 4:18 AM
Very good!
Stephanie Katcher's comment, July 18, 2013 11:33 AM
Thanks Martin! You're right about's role. Now I need to dig up the mindmap I have for key players.
Suggested by Carla Deter!

Startups Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan

Startups Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan | Startup Revolution |
 This post is intended to begin as a story (in a less formal manner) of my ride into the entrepreneurship world. I will also share a few things about getting organized and hopefully it will help yo...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Carla speaks the truth. When I was at P&G they taught me to, "Plan your work and work your plan". Each day had a plan and those plans rolled up into weekly and monthly summaries (to check to make sure you were working your plan). 

P&G was run a little like the army (this was in the 1980s remember) and, despite all the change, creating a living plan (i.e. one that is capable of change when needed) is paramount for startups.  

Carla Deter's comment, May 24, 2013 11:53 AM
Thank you Marty. I appreciate the scoop. Have can I help you today?
Intriguing Networks's curator insight, May 25, 2013 9:31 AM

Often feels to me with the pace of change we all need to be in a startup state of mind, fleetness of foot and creativity with the right disciplined procsses, I see clients all the time wanting to take their SMB forward and keen to adopt a startup fervour because it matters so much how the business develops to them personally. There are many SMB's and I include myself who can learn from and adapt the focus of the startup. In fact more often than not, we are all needing to startup some new venture, standing still defintely not an otion SOOO Thanks you for this post via Marty much appreciated. Even in large organisations the needto break out and create a startup culture is common.  Something in it for almost everyone in this post, so cheers.

Carla Deter's comment, June 6, 2013 6:20 PM
Thank you all re-scoopers! As a start-up Virtual Assistant I am determined to build my business one client at a time. So, consider yourself a 'pioneer' in helping me reach my vision :)
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

SEO and Content Marketing For Startups

SEO and Content Marketing For Startups | Startup Revolution |

Many startups think passion is enough. it isn;t. Successful startups learn how to tune their marketng with tools such as the 3 free Google tools discussed here: Analytics, Adwards and Trends.

Successful startups LISTEN at least as much as they TALK and this post explains how.

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