Using Scoopit For Personal Branding and Online Reputation Management (ORM) | Innovation and Personal Branding |

I've been a Scoopiteer since Marc and Guilluame were kind enough to let me drive their very cool new car. Like many Internet marketers I have more and more content generating less and less control. 

The more content I add the more difficult it gets to keep up with. I've been wondering how to collect and watch my personal brand. Google Authorship has the promise of a collective personal "commons", but actually using authorship to help with such a practical application today feels remote.

Instead I've reorganized my Thank You feed for personal brand management. The mission is simple - create a single feed with the "best of" content from 5 blogs, 4 Twitter feeds, Google Plus, Storify, Facebook and Twitter. 

Think of the numbers. I create or curate over 50 posts a day and typically write at least 1,000 words. Translation: almost 400,000 words and 20,000 posts to keep up with each year. And I am by no means a PRO at this. Imagine what Michele Smorgon or Robin Good are managing (many multiples of Martin W. Smith). As Personal Branding ORM Solution
Scoopit can help. I changed all the sources to this feed (will rename it soon) to RSS feeds from the digital properties I contribute to regularly. I cleaned out ALL OTHER SOURCES. 

1. Change "Sources" To Feeds From Your Content.

I also changed the keywords to my name or social media synonyms such as @ScentTrail and @StoryofCancer.  These changes set up Scoopit so it watches my back, helps this feed curate from across time and many digital properties and catches reactions and content evolution. 

2. Change Keyords To Ones Relevant to You (your name, social names, etc.).