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What technology can teach us about the employees of the future

What technology can teach us about the employees of the future | Edumorfosis.Work |
While humankind will likely never reach the speed or accuracy of AI in performing certain tasks, employees of the future will need to function in similar ways. They will need to pull from a broad range of knowledge to find the right answers, deliver results quickly, offer a variety of solutions to a single problem, be adaptable, consider the whole market or subject before offering a suggestion, and be consistent in their performance.

Is this too much to ask? Not if they rely on technology to help. And in many ways, the capabilities of today’s technology provide a glimpse of the traits required in tomorrow’s best leaders and employees.
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7 jobs of the future that will be held by humans, not robots

7 jobs of the future that will be held by humans, not robots | Edumorfosis.Work |
FuturaCorp is not a unicorn. It’s not a Fortune 500. In fact, it’s not even a real company. It’s an imaginary business that represents the company of the future, created by researchers to provide a blueprint for the successful adoption of AI into business and society.

The Futuracorp: Artificial Intelligence and the Freedom to be Human report, commissioned by IPsoft, used a variety of methods including economic modeling, co-creation experiments and workshops and conceptual mapping and design thinking. The result is a glimpse at the workplace of the future, where humans are not replaced by machines, but rather work in conjunction with their artificially intelligent colleagues.

“The idea for the study came from a set of questions at the heart of integrating AI in the industry,” Chetan Dube, IPsoft CEO and president said in a foreword to the report. “How will AI transform our world? How can AI boost productivity as well as the value each employee can generate? How will workflows change – and what are the implications for job roles and the skillsets that are required to succeed in this new economy? Finally, how will AI change business itself, and what are the strategic considerations a CEO must make?”
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Canada must rethink skills training as automation eliminates jobs: Barton

Canada must rethink skills training as automation eliminates jobs: Barton | Edumorfosis.Work |
The head of the government's economic growth advisory council says governments need to find better ways to confront income inequality that risks becoming deeper as technology makes some jobs irrelevant.
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[Vídeo] What is Digital Transformation?

This is a rapid overview of what Digital Transformation is, the major mistakes businesses are making when approaching Digital Transformation and how they fix those mistakes.

It provides a guide on where to get academically and peer reviewed frameworks and where to start with any Digital Transformation project.
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¿Están preparados trabajadores y empresas para el teletrabajo?

¿Están preparados trabajadores y empresas para el teletrabajo? | Edumorfosis.Work |
Abrimos nuevo debate en IEBS. Esta vez hablaremos del teletrabajo, de la posibilidad de trabajar desde casa, con el pijama puesto, de llevar el trabajo allá donde te lleve el viento sin necesidad de estar encerrado en la oficina. Estas dinámicas de trabajo también son conocidas como trabajo a distancia, telenetworking, ciberworking, telework, e-trabajo, telecommunting y mobile worket (en EEUU).
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10 college degrees worth getting

With the unemployment rate of recent college graduates at an all-time high, there has been much debate about whether a college degree is still worth pursuing. here is our list of 10 college degrees actually worth getting.
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Interconectividad: incertidumbre y turbulencia en nuevas oportunidades!.

Interconectividad: incertidumbre y turbulencia en nuevas oportunidades!. | Edumorfosis.Work |

Ahora estamos plenamente instalado en la Era del Conocimiento interconectado. Y hay casi unanimidad entre los expertos con conocimiento de que la interconexión y transmisión de la información de la velocidad de la luz nos traerán la creciente incertidumbre y turbulencia, así como importantes oportunidades nuevas e interesantes. Pero más comprensión es crítica.

La gente se sienta detrás de pantallas de ordenador portátil o de escritorio, y cada vez más están en movimiento o trabajando de forma remota, utilizando laptops, tablets y smartphones. Acceso a la Web es cada vez mayor en la ubicuidad, y velocidades de acceso están aumentando. Las personas de la organización se interconectan e intercambian información entre sí durante todo el día…

Las universidades, siguiendo su objetivo de “trabajar por la creación, el desarrollo y la transmisión del conocimiento en todas sus formas y expresiones” (CNA, 2012) en beneficio de la sociedad, buscan potenciar el aprovechamiento de las TIC en los procesos formativos para convertirse en universidades con altos niveles de ubicuidad, logrando un ambiente adecuado para que el aprendizaje se desarrolle sin importar las barreras espacio-temporales.

En este sentido, se hace necesario definir para un contexto universitario, ciertas métricas e indicadores que permitan valorar en qué grado de ubicuidad se encuentra desde la dimensión tecnológica, brindando así una herramienta que ayude a marcar el camino que se debe recorrer para cumplir dicho objetivo

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The elephant in the truck: Retraining low-skilled workers

The elephant in the truck: Retraining low-skilled workers | Edumorfosis.Work |
IMAGINE YOU ARE a 45-year-old long-distance lorry driver. You never enjoyed school and left as soon as you could, with a smattering of qualifications and no great love of learning. The job is tiring and solitary, but it does at least seem to offer decent job security: driver shortages are a perennial complaint in the industry, and the average age of the workforce is high (48 in Britain), so the shortfalls are likely to get worse. America’s Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) says there were 1.8m truckers in 2014 and expects a 5% rise in their number by 2024. “As the economy grows, the demand for goods will increase and more truck drivers will be needed to keep supply chains moving,” predicts the BLS website, chirpily.
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Three benefits of Home Working

Three benefits of Home Working | Edumorfosis.Work |

If statistics are to be believed, this business model is likely to change the face of employment over the next few years. As a nation, we are now moving away from the traditional concept of work being something that takes place during designated hours in a specific setting to one in which work and life are increasingly integrated.

This can have its drawbacks, with people who work from home often complaining that their work now invades every aspect of their lives rather than existing within set parameters. There is a sense of being ‘on call’, yet many people are choosing to work from home because it conveys significant benefits compared with being confined to an office.

Employers must sit up and take notice. There are now 1.5 million home workers in the UK, of which 900,000 are women. This is not to mention the other 4.2 million who work from home some of the time.

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Working more than 39 hours a week is damaging to your health

Working more than 39 hours a week is damaging to your health | Edumorfosis.Work |
Working more than 39 hours a week is bad for your mental and physical health, a new study says.

Australian National University researchers are calling for a drop in the the internationally-accepted 48-hour work week, agreed to about 80 years ago to avoid worker burn-out.

They've published a research paper, 'Not all hours are equal: could time be a social determinant of health?', after examining the work lives of 8000 adults.
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Wanted: Factory workers, degree required

Wanted: Factory workers, degree required | Edumorfosis.Work |
Even if those jobs returned, a high school diploma is simply no longer good enough to fill them. Yet rarely discussed in the political debate over lost jobs are the academic skills needed for today’s factory-floor positions, and the pathways through education that lead to them.

Many believe that the solution is for more Americans to go to college. But the college-for-all movement, which got its start in the 1970s as American manufacturing began its decline, is often conflated with earning a bachelor’s degree.
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Work from home in 2017: The top 100 companies offering remote jobs

Work from home in 2017: The top 100 companies offering remote jobs | Edumorfosis.Work |
Working from home is increasingly the dream of many a harried employee.

But it’s hard to find legitimate work-from-home opportunities that aren’t too-good-to-be-true scams.

FlexJobs, a company that vets all types of flexible job listings including part-time, telecommuting and freelance, today releases the top 100 companies offering telecommuting opportunities in 2017.
Edumorfosis's insight:

If we are living in a Liquid Modernity, we must prepare professionals for telecommuting, freelance, remote and satelite jobs of the 21st century.

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Google & 14 more companies that no longer require a degree

Google & 14 more companies that no longer require a degree | Edumorfosis.Work |

With college tuition soaring nationwide, many Americans don’t have the time or money to earn a college degree. However, that doesn’t mean your job prospects are diminished. Increasingly, there are many companies offering well-paying jobs to those with non-traditional education or a high-school diploma.

When you look at people who don’t go to school and make their way in the world, those are exceptional human beings. And we should do everything we can to find those people,” said Google’s former SVP of People Operations Laszlo Bock.

Academic qualifications will still be taken into account and indeed remain an important consideration when assessing candidates as a whole, but will no longer act as a barrier to getting a foot in the door,” added Maggie Stilwell, Ernst and Young’s managing partner for talent.

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¿Es realmente necesario ir a la Universidad hoy en día?

¿Es realmente necesario ir a la Universidad hoy en día? | Edumorfosis.Work |
No podemos negar que cuando se tiene cero experiencia, un título ayuda a tener un poco más de peso a la hora de incorporarse al mercado de trabajo. Lo mismo ocurre en el caso contrario, en el que si se opta a un puesto para el que no se ha estudiado, es muy posible que nuestro currículo quede por debajo del de las personas que solicitan lo mismo pero sí están graduadas en la materia en cuestión. Aún más si tienen un master o alguna clase de título superior.

Sin embargo, eso no significa que se necesite un título universitario, algo que requiere de un tiempo y un coste que no todas las familias pueden afrontar. Lo del dinero es algo tradicional en el escenario educativo de Norteamérica y que hasta ahora poco o nada tenía que ver con el caso español, pero en los últimos años, con las políticas de recorte y las modificaciones en el ámbito universitario, la situación empieza a ser similar, con la consecuencia de que ya no siempre está al alcance de cualquiera sufragarse una carrera universitaria.
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What's new in Leadership Skills? Lifelong Learning + Project Management

What's new in Leadership Skills? Lifelong Learning + Project Management | Edumorfosis.Work |
What’s new in leadership? As we have been writing throughout our project-based world series, the nature of work is changing. We are moving at a faster pace. There’s an awesome opportunity to make an impact, and the scale of our challenge is immense. People live, learn, connect, work and shop now on platforms.
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¿Eres un profesor digitalmente competente?

¿Eres un profesor digitalmente competente? | Edumorfosis.Work |

"La competencia digital es una de las 8 competencias clave que cualquier joven debe haber desarrollado al finalizar la enseñanza obligatoria para poder incorporarse a la vida adulta de manera satisfactoria y ser capaz de desarrollar un aprendizaje permanente a lo largo de la vida según las indicaciones del Parlamento Europeo sobre competencias clave para el aprendizaje permanente (Recomendación 2006/962/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 18 de diciembre de 2006, sobre las competencias clave para el aprendizaje permanente, Diario Oficial L 394 de 30.12.2006). La competencia digital no sólo proporciona la capacidad de aprovechar la riqueza de las nuevas posibilidades asociadas a las tecnologías digitales y los retos que plantean, resulta cada vez más necesaria para poder participar de forma significativa en la nueva sociedad y economía del conocimiento del siglo XXI".

Via Marta Torán
Campus Extens - UIB Virtual -'s curator insight, February 13, 2017 5:37 AM
" La competencia digital no sólo proporciona la capacidad de aprovechar la riqueza de las nuevas posibilidades asociadas a las tecnologías digitales y los retos que plantean, resulta cada vez más necesaria para poder participar de forma significativa en la nueva sociedad y economía del conocimiento del siglo XXI".
Margarita Saucedo's curator insight, March 14, 2017 8:58 PM
Ser competente para trabajar en el modelo por competencias
Raúl De La Cruz's curator insight, May 28, 2023 2:02 PM
It is highly important for educators now a days to be prepared to work and use technology in their classrooms. I have seen firsthand how educators leave the profession because they feel it is too much for them. 
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Robots could soon replace 250,000 NHS and whitehall jobs saving the UK billions of pounds

Robots could soon replace thousands of public sector jobs in the UK. According to a new report by the Reform think tank, almost 250,000 NHS administrators, Whitehall civil servants and receptionists could soon be replaced by AI (artificial intelligence) powered chatbots, saving the UK taxpayers billions, according to reports.

According to the report, around 30% of nurses' activities, including collecting information and administering non-intravenous medication could be automated. Replacing the human workforce with robots could save nearly £2.6bn, Sky News reported.
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La automatización laboral en ciencia de datos superará el 40% en 2020

La automatización laboral en ciencia de datos superará el 40% en 2020 | Edumorfosis.Work |
La necesidad de contar con científicos de datos en las plantillas es una realidad creciente para las empresas, que ven en el Big Data la fuente de información más fiable en la toma de decisiones. No solo en los negocios, sino también en otros ámbitos, como la cultura, la seguridad y el tráfico, se requiere de estos profesionales para cubrir unas exigencias que van apareciendo con cada vez más frecuencia. Por lo general, las personas que trabajan en este campo suelen ser científicos expertos en analítica, programación y lógica, especializados en aplicar sus conocimientos a los datos. Según el XI Informe Los + Buscados de Spring Professional de Adecco del 2016, este será además el perfil más demandado en el futuro inmediato.
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STEM, Advanced Industries, and the Future of Employment. – Part 1

STEM, Advanced Industries, and the Future of Employment. – Part 1 | Edumorfosis.Work |
He seemed a little hesitant to admit that he didn’t know what the term meant to the rest of the table, but as everyone was busy arguing about AI and robots replacing all of our jobs someday soon, he saw an opening and took a chance. The term had bounced back and forth across the table a few times: Stem this and stem that. Was it a biotech thing? Genetic-engineering jobs? (Because stem cells, I expect.) Some kind of government tech education program?

“S.T.E.M.,” I said. “Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.”

“Ohhhhh,” he replied with a grin. “Tech jobs.”

Right. Tech jobs. Sort of. Not just tech jobs, but definitely the kinds of jobs most prized by companies right now, at least at scale.
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What employers can do to encourage their workers to retrain

What employers can do to encourage their workers to retrain | Edumorfosis.Work |
Design thinking emphasises action over planning and encourages its followers to look at problems through the eyes of the people affected. Around 100,000 Infosys employees have gone through a series of workshops on it. The first such workshop sets the participants a task: for example, to improve the experience of digital photography. That involves moving from the idea of making a better camera to considering why people value photographs in the first place, as a way of capturing memories. As ideas flow, people taking part in the workshops immediately start producing prototypes with simple materials like cardboard and paper. “The tendency is to plan at length before building,” says Mr Rajagopalan. “Our approach is to build, build, build, test and then plan.”
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Seven trends continue to change the world in 2017

Seven trends continue to change the world in 2017 | Edumorfosis.Work |
Never before have we seen so much creativity, innovation, and evolution. Trend watchers are going berserk with all the cool new ideas being born every minute, and futurologists are seeing their predictions come true sooner than expected. The second machine age is here, and what an exciting time it is! But running a competitive business is challenging as we tumble from one paradigm to another.

This blog is not about predictions for 2017. Instead, I highlight seven trends that will step closer to the mainstream in 2017, changing the world and the way we do business.
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More than half of workers aged over 50 have had three different careers - survey

More than half of workers aged over 50 have had three different careers - survey | Edumorfosis.Work |
Workers are switching careers after being made redundant, want to earn more money, or are bored in their job, new research shows.

A study by the Co-op found that more than half of people over the age of 50 have had at least three different jobs.
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Silicon Valley is right—Our jobs are already disappearing

Silicon Valley is right—Our jobs are already disappearing | Edumorfosis.Work |

The White House published a report last month that reinforced this view. Some of the headline stats:

  • 83 percent of the jobs where people make less than $20 per hour will be subject to automation or replacement.
  • Between 9 percent and 47 percent of jobs are in danger of being made irrelevant because of technological change, with the worst threats falling among the less educated.
  • Between 2.2 and 3.1 million car, bus and truck driving jobs in the U.S. will be eliminated by the advent of self-driving vehicles.
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[PDF] Work at home in 2015

[PDF] Work at home in 2015 | Edumorfosis.Work |
In 2015, 38% of workers in management, business, and financial operations occupations, and 35% of those employed in professional and related occupations, did some or all of their work from home on days they worked, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Workers employed in other occupations were less likely to work from home on days they worked.
These and other results from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) were released today. These data include the average amount of time per day in 2015 that individuals worked, did household activities, and engaged in leisure and sports activities. Additionally, measures of the average time per day spent providing childcare—both as a primary (or main) activity and while doing other things—for the combined years
2011-2015 are provided. For a further description of ATUS data and methodology, see the Technical Note.
Edumorfosis's insight:

If society prepares for Remote Work, ¿why we do not prepare them for Remote Learning?

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Shaping the future

Shaping the future | Edumorfosis.Work |
We know that the jobs of tomorrow will require skills steeped in technology. We also realize that today’s students live surrounded by technology that wasn’t a reality for the generations before them. Technology can improve how students learn both in and out of the classroom. We truly believe that the startups that have been and will be a part of the AT&T Aspire Accelerator will be the individuals helping to shape what the future of edtech will look like, and we’re excited to be along for this important ride.
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