How to Make Your Content Show Up in Google's 'In-Depth Articles' Search Results - Profs | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Content - Google has introduced a search results section dubbed in-depth articles, which present some great new opportunities to content marketers. Here's the nitty-gritty on how to take advantage of those opportunities.

Advanced/ Digest...

Google created a guide on how one can increase the odds of being cited among In-depth articles. Clearly, Google would like more content creators to contribute comprehensive posts that could be used for the new section.

So, how can you effectively prepare your content for inclusion into Google's in-depth articles section?

-- >  From your target keywords, pick those that trigger the In-depth articles box.

-- >  Think of their closely related variants, since similar words may return different listings (e.g., wine and red wine generate different sets of in-depth posts).

-- >  Take note of queries that produce in-depth results from less authoritative sources; those could be easier to compete against.

-- >  Create a lengthy and well-researched article on the topic.

-- >  Optimize its title, description, and first paragraph for your keywords, but use just as many of them as you'd use naturally.

-- >  Follow Google's recommendations on marking up the critical details about your in-depth article.

-- >  Share the post with as many people on social media as you can.

-- >  Allow comments, but make them pre-moderated to prevent spam.

-- >  If your marketing strategy includes content syndication, pitch your piece of content to a higher-profile media resource you have ties with.



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