315 Businesses Boost Rankings by Optimizing Their Google+ Local Pages [Study] - Search Engine Watch  | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it
After enhancing their Google+ profiles, the businesses increased the instances in which they ranked in the top seven local positions by 179 percent, in the top two positions by 399 percent, and in the third through fifth positions by 97 percent.


5 Proven Ways to Optimize A Brand's Google+ Local Profile

1. Craft Custom Business Descriptions for Each Location

When building a business description for any business location, focus on keywords the target market would use while searching instead of an explanation of services, facilities, products, etc. that set your business apart from competitors.


2. Add Additional Information (Photos, Videos, etc.)

While there are always fluctuations to the local algorithm, it is essential to monitor performance, because the number of photos a business adds may positively or negatively influence its rankings.

Because a business' primary photo is the first one potential customers will see, ensure that photo is eye-catching.


3. Identify and Remove Duplicate Listings

Duplicate listings are undesirable for any business, because they essentially pit that business against itself. Compounding the problem, one of the listings often contains incorrect information.

Ultimately, a business' rankings suffer when reviews, click history, third party citations, etc. are split between two listings.


4. Identify Third Party Sites Where Adding Listing Information Can Improve Google Rankings

Google uses many off-site ranking factors to determine local results. Not only does Google check to see if other sites are mentioning the business; it also looks to see if that website is reputable. Because of this, it is critical to identify the most influential third party sites and submit robust information.


5. Modify Each Listing to Rank for Both Long- and Short-Tail Search Terms on a Continual Basis

As with almost any other digital marketing strategy, it is essential to keep tabs on Google business listings. The beginning of the optimization process requires the most maintenance.



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