LeanData’s new tool automates reports for marketers to use in targeting leads - VentureBeat | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it
Lead management solution provider LeanData has released an offering called LeanData Clarity, which provides reports that marketers can use to target campaigns to specific individuals. The company claims it’s the first account-based marketing platform, not only enabling users to surface the most important information about a lead, but providing ways to act upon those insights.

Account-based marketing has become the latest craze in the sales and marketing industry. The idea is to treat any lead as what LeanData described as “a market of one,” and to encourage all the contacts associated with that lead to agree on the same thing: buying your product. It’s about personalizing your efforts toward a select group of individual accounts, instead of simply blasting out thousands of emails using Marketo, Eloqua, and Pardot.

LeanData previously offered a similar feature, a campaign influencer report, but that required more manual labor. The company’s chief marketing officer, Adam New-Waterson, told VentureBeat that prior to Clarity, marketers had a free-form reporting tool that required them to take all the data and figure it out themselves. Now the process is more automated and provides a level of granularity in the data that they’ve never been able to access before.

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