Beyond Responsive and Adaptive: Introducing "Adjustive" Web Design | The MarTech Digest |

"In response to the continually changing device landscape, I propose a new concept - adjustive Web design. Core elements of adjustive Web design include:
>> Adaptive content is the foundation of everything
>> The display of content will responsively adjust to screen sizes
>> User interface elements can be adjusted by the user to a desired position


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Here is how adjustive Web design will build upon and enhance its responsive predecessor:
Problem: As smartphones and tablets use increasingly larger displays, it can be cumbersome for hands. Responsive adjusted user interface controls - such as a site header with a "hamburger-style" menu - won't overcome this challenge, as their general positioning remains fixed.
Solution: Go beyond responsively adjusting user interface elements for varying screen sizes and enable users to place critical user-interface elements in a place they can easily reach. For years, Apple has allowed users running its desktop OS to select three positions for their Dock - left, bottom, and right.

Let's examine how adjustive Web design may work on wearables:
Problem: The stylish, sleek jewelry-like design of wearables has resulted in smaller screen sizes or absent displays. A responsively adjusted element, such as a site header with a "hamburger-style" menu, won't address a lack of screen real estate.
Solution: Hide user-interface components when they are not needed and maximize screen real estate for adaptive content. The device OS or hardware should allow a user to reveal the user interface through a simple gesture when needed. In the case of an absent display, alternative navigation can be enabled through navigation sounds."