Google Customer Match Expands to Include Targeting by Phone Number & Address | WordStream | The MarTech Digest |
Advertisers can now create a customer match audience that includes any combination of email addresses, physical addresses, and phone numbers and upload them into AdWords to target in their Search, Shopping, Gmail, and YouTube campaigns. You can upload these audiences through the audience manager in the New AdWords UI (which is now universally available) using either hashed or unhashed data. Google provides a complete guide to formatting and uploading this customer data here.

The expanded phone number and address targeting options for Customer Match in AdWords should allow more businesses to use their first-party customer data to reach more searchers. In addition to using their email marketing lists to improve their campaigns, they can now leverage their direct mail lists, their SMS campaigns, or even their message extensions to expand their customer match audiences! The more data you can provide on your users, the higher the likelihood that Google will be able to match your data to its users.