What makes a great B2B product page? - Econsultancy | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it
B2C and B2B product pages will often differ due to the nature of the products and services being sold, but there are common elements.

Basic/ Digest...

Here are a few of the elements I was looking for. 

  • A clear explanation of the product. This may seem obvious, but it's amazing how many B2B sites I've seen where I can spend minutes trying to find out what the company actually does.
  • Visual appeal. Yes, you're going to need plenty of text to explain to the uninitiated what you are offering, but you need to use visuals to make the page appealing. 
  • Explain the benefits. What will the service do for customers? How? Explain this clearly. 
  • Testimonials. If you have satisfied customers prepared to leave a testimonial, use them. Just make sure they're not too cheesy. 
  • Product comparisons. If you have different subscription levels, then allow people to see the features of each at a glance
  • Video. A quick video explanation can be a great way to cut through everything and provide interested visitors with a clear description of product and benefits. 
  • Social proof. Showing that other people have used your service, and in a significant volume, can increase visitors' confidence in your product. 



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