Should You Repost Your Blog Content on Other Websites? A Data-Driven Answer - QuickSprout | The MarTech Digest |


Reposting can hurt your SEO if done wrong

What I learned is that reposting your content on sites more authoritative than yours, even if you publish it first on your blog and have them link back, can cause a duplicate content penalty. We fixed this potential penalty problem by getting sites like to use a rel=canonical.


When you republish your content on sites that do not use the rel=canonical, even if you link back to the original article, eventually you will get penalized. In this case, you have a few options:

  1. Rewrite the content – you can rewrite your blog post and then publish it on these sites so that the content isn’t duplicate.
  2. Talk to the site owner – there is no harm in asking the site owner or editor to add a rel=canonical. We did this with Entrepreneur Magazine, and they gladly added it to their site even though it required development work on their end.
  3. Post the content on the other site only – sometimes it’s best to publish your highest quality posts on other people’s sites and not yours. You will get branding, a link back to your site, and maybe some sales. In most cases, the big sites want exclusivity, so you won’t be able to repurpose this content on your blog or other people’s blogs.


Don’t repost a portion of your blog post

Resposting the first paragraph of your blog post is fine, but when you start reposting a few paragraphs or more, you are asking for trouble.


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