Can Systems Thinking Help You Think Like a CMO and Drive Marketing Innovation? - Skyword | The MarTech Digest |

"One official definition of systems thinking is “a management discipline that concerns an understanding of a system by examining the linkages and interactions between the components that comprise the entirety of that defined system.” In other words, it gives you a framework to assess the importance of individual parts of the puzzle, as well as their cumulative impact and how different parts of your marketing strategy affect broader outcomes. That’s what a CMO does differently than a marketer who’s running from tactic to tactic trying to achieve results. They set the vision, assess different options for getting there, and then craft a road map that’s designed to get you there.


Technology futurist Brian Solis developed a framework that he calls the “Wheel of Disruption.” I strongly encourage any marketer who’s feeling overwhelmed to take a deeper dive into it, but here’s the fundamental idea: In the field of marketing, there are disruptive technologies that come along and disrupt everything else. Just as marketers adapted to online processes, they had to start thinking about mobile. Now, as the digital experience is redefined, we’re starting to think beyond the screen to virtual reality, voice-based technologies, and fully immersive digital experiences. Before social media platforms, the relationship was direct for marketer to consumer. Now, there are communities, user-generated content, and conversations about your products and brands that you can’t control."