New Software Helps Companies Make Sense of Their Customer Journeys | The MarTech Digest | is pleased to announce the launch of its Customer Journey Mapping Software that provides a revolutionary approach to experience planning and strategy. It comprises 4 core elements: 

  • Touchpoint Inventory Software: gather up all your touchpoints digitally and make them available for drag-and-drop onto different maps. Add details, configurations, connections and more. 
  • Customer Journey Mapping Software: create a variety of versionable and shareable maps, made up of connected touchpoints. Edit details, KPI's and more at each touchpoint on different maps. 
  • Customer Journey Feedback Loops that can be built at each touchpoint through integrations such as SurveyMonkey surveys, Hubspot marketing automation, Salesforce CRM and others, that then update inside the context of each touchpoint. 
  • Tracking software that records the iterations made at each touchpoint over time based on insight from the feedback loops that lead to better customer experience results.