CMOs And CIOs: The New C-Suite Power Couple? - Forrester | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of moderating panel discussions on the importance of a strong working relationship between CMOs and CIOs at the Direct Marketing Association 2013 Strategic Summit and the Forbes CMO Summit.


Regarding critical dimensions of people, process, and technology, CMOs and CIOs are still not seeing things equally:

Teams are not focused on the right things. The two largest gaps between marketing and IT responses in this year’s survey were: 1) the lack of agreement on strategic priorities (a 20 percentage point gap) and 2) the absence of IT resources with marketing skills (a 30 percentage point gap). To close these gaps, CMOs and CIOs must ensure that their organizations are aligned, hire people who can handle the technical needs of engaging with customers, and measure them with common goals and metrics.


Process has improved, but timing still lags. Since our 2011 survey, agreement between marketing and IT on joint processes has improved by 11%. But marketing wants the tools delivered yesterday, and IT’s disciplined processes often slow implementation down to below what marketing can tolerate. To resolve this disconnect and avoid marketing going rogue, IT needs to step on the accelerator and find new ways to meet marketing time-to-market needs.


Technology to support marketing is more dream than reality. To thrive in the age of the customer, CMOs and CIOs must collectively turn their attention to defining a marketing technology strategy that supports the business and delivers the goods — the ability to create a single view of the customer that produces actionable insights and consistent customer experiences. Working together, CMOs and CIOs can advance their standing in CEOs’ eyes by delivering a joint solution to make better use of data and analytics in the business.



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