The CIO and Social Media: Embracing Change - Marketo | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Incorporate social media into day-to-day practices, and encourage employees to evangelize your message – with clear rules of engagement, of course.

Key excerpt...

In addition to encouraging the use of social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, we also have worked to vet additional social tools that benefit the business. For instance, we use a tool called GaggleAmp to align our social media messaging and promote social sharing across the organization. Employees can sign up and receive incentives for sharing social messages that promote product launches, new content assets, events, and other important company information.  We also use Salesforce Chatter as our internal social network for employee collaboration.


This is just another example of IT and marketing working hand-in-hand to evaluate and align behind solutions that benefit both departments. Together we evaluated vendors, engaged in various demos, and made a data-driven decision. By embracing social as an entity and working together cross-functionally, we were able to select our social tools intelligently.