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Inter-linking on Google+ - Forbes

Inter-linking on Google+ - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |



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Marteq's insight:

There are other tips (or hacks!), but this one is the most relevant.

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Google Plus to Increase SEO: 9 Tactics to Use Now & Benefit Forever - Social Media Online Classes

Google Plus to Increase SEO: 9 Tactics to Use Now & Benefit Forever - Social Media Online Classes | The MarTech Digest |



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What if Author Rank Never Happens? [Update] - Copyblogger

What if Author Rank Never Happens? [Update] - Copyblogger | The MarTech Digest |


-- >  Authorship is the way Google knows who the creator of a piece of content is, no matter which site that content resides on.

-- >  Author Rank is the idea – supported by patents filed by Google – that who creates a page of content (and links out from that page), based on their historical reputation for creating content people actually like, would become one of the signals Google relies on when ranking relevant results of a particular topic.

-- >  Google+ is a massive topical network (as opposed to a traditional social network) that provides Google with direct data about what people like and share when it comes to content on the web.



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Marteq's insight:

It's an excerpt from a 2013 article which is still pertinent today. Authorship and + remain a viable and preferred tactic for the B2B marketer, even in light of the photo drop (which means nothing)!

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Google Announces the End of Author Photos in Search: What You Should Know - Moz

Google Announces the End of Author Photos in Search: What You Should Know - Moz | The MarTech Digest |


As of June 29th, the MozCast feature graph shows traditional authorship snippets dropping to 0% of search results across all data centers. Previously, Google displayed authorship photos in 22% of all searches. Going forward, Google plans to only display the author's name in the search snippet, dropping the photo and the circle count.


Is Google Authorship still worth it?


For many, scoring photos in search results was the only incentive people had to verify authorship. Whether or not it increased click-through rates, it was an ego boost, and it was great to show clients. With the photos gone, it's likely fewer people will work to get verified. Even with the photos gone, there is still ample reason to verify authorship, and I highly recommend you continue to do so. 

-- >  Even though a byline is much less visible than a photo, across the hundreds or thousands of search impressions you receive each day, those bylines can make a measurable difference in your traffic, and may improve your online visibility.

-- >  Google continues to work on promoting authoritative authors in search results, and authorship is one of the better ways for Google to establish "identity" on the web. Google continues to make statements explaining how important identity in content is, as explained by Matt Cutts both publicly and in this rarely seen interview.



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Marteq's insight:

Google Authorship's role in search continues to be vitally important, and the drop of the photo is really meaningless (other than egos), and not a harbinger of doom for Authorship and +.

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Google Removes Authorship Photos and Google+ Circle Counts From Search Results - HubSpot

Google Removes Authorship Photos and Google+ Circle Counts From Search Results - HubSpot | The MarTech Digest |


Google's getting rid of author profile pictures and Google+ circle counts on desktop and mobile search. Since the news is fresh and doesn't appear to have taken effect just yet, marketers haven't reacted, though I anticipate a renewed fixation on dominating the top three spots. Ranking high in Google search will always be important, but with Google's more recent algorithm changes, we have to remember that we can't hack our way to the top. You've got to continue to create content that helps people -- not robots. This update is confusing and potentially frustrating, but you'll survive okay if you're focusing on pleasing people first. 



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Marteq's insight:

See the next post for commentary...

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How to Dominate the Entire First Page of Google - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

How to Dominate the Entire First Page of Google - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Controlling the conversation around your brand is critical to upholding and improving reputation and converting more customers. Here's how to make sure you monopolize all the available paid and organic brand real estate on the first page of Google.

Advanced/ Digest...

Paid Search

While it seems obvious to buy your brand terms in paid search to acquire more real estate, many additional tactics exist to maximize this space. The following are ad extensions available in Google that increase the depth of your brand listing:

  • Location extensions
  • Call extensions
  • Offer extensions
  • Sitelinks extensions
  • Product extensions
  • Social extensions
  • Dynamic search ad extensions
  • App extensions



Brands that have verified Google+ accounts can capture side rail real estate for brand terms by utilizing rel="publisher". This works similarly to authorship but is tied to Google+ pages as opposed to individual accounts. The result is a rather large piece of real estate that includes your follower count and a link with image to your latest post.


Google Images

Optimizing key images on your site such as your logos is another great way to take up potential search engine results page (SERP) real estate. Image search has the potential to drive more incremental visits than you might expect.


YouTube & Other Video

In an effort for Google to continually promote their own properties, videos from YouTube are becoming more prevalent for a variety of different search queries, including brand terms. Having branded YouTube videos is a great way to own your brand terms. In order to take advantage you need to have at least one video hosted on YouTube.


Google+ Local

Local presents another great opportunity to occupy additional brand real estate. Make sure you have a verified business listing and your feed is optimized.



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Marteq's insight:

Think about it: with SEO so tenuous, grabbing as much real estate as possible on the first page of Google is available with paid. There are enough tools available today to make that happen.

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Google Authorship: 1 Completely Unscientific Experiment + 13 Killer Resources - Portent | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Google Authorship: 1 Completely Unscientific Experiment + 13 Killer Resources - Portent | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Expert/ Excerpt...

Google … unleashed a series of game-changing algorithm changes to combat content and links created merely to game the system. Game over, man, game over.


What’s Authorship got to do with all of this? First of all, it centers on linking to your Google+ profile; now you may think Google+ is a social network and just designed to compete with Facebook. I did when it first came out too.


Sure, it is a social network but it’s much more than that – I highly, highly recommend you read more about that here as soon as you can, but for now, you could simply think of it the way Mike Arnesen puts it when he talks about the possibility of AuthorRank – I’m paraphrasing what I heard him say in a presentation at an SEMpdx workshop, but it went something like “Google Plus is really an identity verification system.”



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Marteq's insight:

Another great hands-on article. The author's post explains his journey through Google Authorship, and it's a template for all of us. A must click-through.

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9 Ways the Pros Integrate their Blog with Google+ to Dominate SERPs — socialmouths | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

9 Ways the Pros Integrate their Blog with Google+ to Dominate SERPs — socialmouths | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Intermediate/ Digest...

1- Plus One Button

There are many plugins that will create a +1 button including my favorite WPSocialite. If you want to add a +1 in a post like you see above, you can get the code right here.

2- Profile and Community Badges

These badges are easy to customize, look nice on just about any site, are super simple to implement and don’t slow your website down. If you’d like to place a Google+ badge on your website click here.

3- Google Authorship

The secret is out on Google Authorship. You should be adding Authorship to every piece of content you create. Google is efforting to track every piece of content ever created on the web all the way down to the human being that created it. You can learn how to claim Google Authorship here. If you use WordPress there are free plugins which can easily add Authorship to your site. Once you have Authorship setup, you can verify by using the Rich Snippets Testing Tool.

4- Google Share Button (Interactive Posts)

The Google+ share button is similar to “Reshare” feature within Google+. When someone clicks the share button they are NOT giving your article a +1. They are simply sharing your article with their network on Google+.

5- Embedded Posts

Comments, +1′s and reshares all carry the same weight and relevancy. In addition you get an active follow button where visitors can connect with you without leaving your site similar to badges. Learn more about embedded Google+ posts here.

6- Google Sign-In

Google Sign-in is geared more towards application and SAAS developers than traditional bloggers. But if you live in that world then Google Sign-in allows you provide Google+ users with additional value and ease of use. Google Sign-in also gives your application the ability to communicate with their connections.

7- Google+ Comments

You can add Google+ Comments and their functionality via several different WordPress plugins.

The most popular and powerful Google+ Comment plugin is Comments Evolved for WordPress.  If you would like to separate Google+ Comments from Traditional comments then Google+ Comments Box is the plugin for you.

8- Content Recommendations (Mobile)

Add Google+ content recommendations to your mobile website with Google+ Content Recommendations. This tool adds some additional functionality to your mobile visitors. This feature is not going to make or break your success online but does provide more opportunities for engagement on Google+.

9- Hangout Button

The Google Hangout Button provides one-click functionality for web visitors to start a hangout using a web application included inside it. An example of this functionality is Slideshare Hangout Button, which allows you to view Slideshare slides while conducting a Google Hangout.



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Marteq's insight:

This is one of those articles upon which you need to take immediatley action if your blog is atop the WP platform. Another no brainer today.

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Google+ & SEO: How Google+ Impacts Search Results - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Google+ & SEO: How Google+ Impacts Search Results - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


The most straightforward way Google+ impacts search results is with personalization:

  1. People who follow on Google+ are more likely to see it.
  2. People who follow anyone who +1's the content are more likely to see it.

This is already a very big deal. If you can build a strong audience of your own, or if major influencers in your market space +1 or share the content, this can get you a lot of exposure to your target market.


Part of Hummingbird was to allow Google to better process signals other than links, such as signals from social platforms. This is quite interesting! While this new information makes it sound like Google is not using social signals yet, it makes it sound like it is definitely coming!


We know that the personalization impact is quite strong, and that Google+ posts themselves can rank in the SERPs. This is already a compelling reason to engage in Google+, especially if there is a real audience for you there. We also know that Google gets the information from Google+ directly. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, there is no crawling involved in this process. Google+ also is continuing to grow, and it is strategic to Google's plans. With Hummingbird, it seems increasingly likely that Google+ will have some influence on non-personalized results.



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Marteq's insight:

More evidence that points to Google+'s influence on SERP. Very important note concerning Hummingbird as a stage-setter for Google's use of social signals as a part of SERP!

Kanishk Bhatia's curator insight, November 19, 2013 7:00 AM


FerSEO's curator insight, November 22, 2013 6:34 AM

La gente que te sigue en Google+ o que sigue a alguien que ha hecho +1 en una de tus publicaciones, es más probable que vea tus contenidos.

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Are +1s more influential than links for search rankings? [data] - Brafton | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Are +1s more influential than links for search rankings? [data] - Brafton | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
A Moz study asserts content shared on Google+ is tied to search rankings and strategic posting can add significant SEO value.

Key excerpt...

As such, marketers are wise to post their fresh custom content on Google+ if they want it to gain SEO benefits quickly. Because posts on the network are given URLs, title tags with 45 to 50 characters and are not limited in character count, they cross over into full-blown blog posts. This also has advantages, as longer pages correlate with higher search rankings and posts earn internal links.


The study suggests marketers can bolster other social profiles and pages by linking to them in their Google+ accounts, as link equity will be distributed to channels referenced in a member’s Google+ “About” page.

Marteq's insight:

Is Google+ a replacement for LinkedIn for the B2B marketer. Of course not, but I've said for a while that the value of Google+ (and Authorship) to your SEO efforts has been proven, and Google+ needs to be a part of your mix.

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Four Reasons Marketers Need to Embrace Google+ Profs | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Four Reasons Marketers Need to Embrace Google+ Profs | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
In a recent informal MarketingProfs poll, marketers named Google+ their most hated social network. As a marketer who likes Google+, I decided to share four reasons I like Google+ (and why you should, too).


1. Google+ and Search Marketing

Maybe your business has vibrant communities on other social networks, but by neglecting Google+, you are missing out on search engine marketing that you can do. Simply sharing your blog posts on Google+ will get them indexed faster and create more content about that topic that your target audience will find in search.

2. Google+ and Social Listening

Every public post on Google+ is indexed. That means if someone is saying bad things about your company, you need to know about it, lest that post show up in search results when your target market is searching for you.

3. Google+ and the Rest of Google

If your target audience uses Gmail, if you have an Android app, or if you have a YouTube channel, you need to think about building up your Google+ presence.

4. Google+ and Content Creation

Google+ loves its photographers, too, so if your brand happens to be in an industry that lends itself well to photography, you have a huge built-in support system to push those photos out to a larger audience.

Google+ posts themselves have formatting capabilities, such as bold, italics, and strikethrough text, meaning you can convey more emotion and context with your message. Posts also have a very large character limit, meaning you can pack a post with lots of information to build more context around your target topic.

Marteq's insight:

You need to take advantage of Google+ if but one reason: the impact that it has on your SERP. Everthing else is gravy.

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Dear Google+: Marketers Hate You (Want to Know Why?) - Profs | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Dear Google+: Marketers Hate You (Want to Know Why?) - Profs | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Generally, marketers love social media. We embrace Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other platforms. But there's one social network that marketers loathe. That network is Google+.


In an informal poll of marketers, MarketingProfs asked about social media preferences. Not surprisingly, LinkedIn is marketers’ favorite network for professional use and Facebook for personal use. What was surprising was that (to date) 42% of respondents have identified Google+ as the network they “Never Want to Hear About Ever Again” and 50% of marketers’ said Google+ was the most confusing social network.

Marteq's insight:

Yes, Google+ is damn confusing, and it has a long way to go. But don't overlook it's SEO value! Along with Google Authorship, it has a positive impact on your SEO efforts.

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7 Ways to Build Authority on Google+ - Website Magazine

7 Ways to Build Authority on Google+ - Website Magazine | The MarTech Digest |
As the looming Penguin update (version 2.0) hovers overhead, search professionals are left wondering how the unknown changes to Google’s search algorithm will impact their company’s digital visibility.


So in the case that Google+ does indeed become a factor in determining authority, one question remains – How can a brand build authority on Google+?

  1. Grow Your Circles
  2. Post Fabulous Content
  3. Leverage Communities and Hangouts
  4. Interact with Your Audience
  5. Network with Other Brands
  6. Use the Google+ Page Badge
  7. Take Advantage of Authorship
Marteq's insight:

As Google+ gains prominence, you'll want to leverage it for everything it has (esp. in light of SEO). Please click through for greater understanding to each tip: good stuff.

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