How to Retarget the Middle of the Funnel in a Form-less World - Kissmetrics | The MarTech Digest |
The easiest way to segment traffic is based on specific page visits. You could also target specific page visits, too. 

What’s that? “Your customer’s aren’t on / using Facebook?” Well you’re in luck. Twitter’s advertising platform supports the same specific URL-targeting. As does LinkedIn’s new and improved ‘Matched Audience.’ Now you can run retargeting ads across the three primary social networks for people in each stage of your funnel (based on pageviews and previous visits).

Now you’ve got interested leads being (automatically) followed up in multiple channels. The next step is to get on the phone with qualified ones. Enter calendar apps.

Sean McVey of Virtru changed their traditional contact form-based approach to Calendly in order to automatically schedule sales calls. And the results quickly took off. Conversion rates jumped to 50% and 61% of leads scheduled a call. Then once someone creates a Calendly appointment, you can send that data pretty much anywhere with a little help from Zapier.