Salesforce teams with Sage, spawns new cloud platform for SMBs - PCWorld | The MarTech Digest |
The two companies have announced a broad global partnership along with a new service from Sage that’s built on the Salesforce1 platform-as-a-service designed to help small businesses move to the cloud.

“We’ve invested over a long period of time in our most significant development effort ever to build a platform to help our customers build applications,” Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff said during a press event. “Salesforce1 is now in the hands of hundreds of thousands of users, and today is by far the most exciting day ever for our platform, and for small businesses.”

The partnership extends one announced with Sage earlier this year.

Optimized for mobile and social, Sage Life aims to help small companies connect their customer, accounting, payroll and finance data into one system accessible from any device and any location. A mobile control center lets employees view data in real time, and the system’s social focus helps connect colleagues, customers, partners, suppliers and other stakeholders.

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