"Moneyball" vs. Creative: Where Data and Marketing Collide - ClickZ | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it


First, let analysts do the analysis but let them understand that their customer is the creative. No one is here to keep creatives from doing what they do, which is come up with ideas. Analysts cannot just publish results and say "fix it." They have to collaborate with creatives and exhibit some deference to the instincts of creatives because that's what they have that numbers lack.


Second, let creatives come up with ideas, just like always. But they have to get used to the idea that success will no longer be measured simply by whether the customer "liked" the idea, but whether it made a contribution to the success of the digital property in question. Rather than come up with a single idea and test it, the organization may need to advise creatives that they will need to present several ideas.



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