3 Ways Analytics Is Helping Marketers Reinvent Themselves - Digital Marketing Blog | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it


The ROI of this data-driven style of mar­ket­ing is clear: increased engage­ment, more ad impres­sions, bet­ter cus­tomer reten­tion, increased sales, etc. I believe three inno­va­tions in ana­lyt­ics are enabling mar­keters to rein­vent themselves.


1. Visual Data with Context

Tra­di­tional reports dis­play black-and-white data. It’s just about the num­bers. Adding con­text and con­tent enhances your reporting—the data is col­or­ful, Hi-Def. More impor­tantly, it con­nects peo­ple to their cam­paigns in a more visual way. With con­text and con­tent, your report­ing has the abil­ity to show how the num­bers are con­nected to the cus­tomer experience.


2. Action­able Data

As ana­lyt­ics soft­ware con­tin­ues to improve, data is becom­ing sharper and more insightful—the data is smarter now. This smarter data lets mar­keters quickly iso­late cus­tomer insights, which is a key to greater data rel­e­vancy, and it’s enabling mar­keters to make bet­ter real-time decisions.


3. Smarter Analysis

With smarter data, analy­sis is sim­pli­fied. You get bet­ter, visu­al­ized data that make insights eas­ier to iden­tify and respond to. This shift has also made it so any­one can now mine data for insights because the tools are there for mar­keters and ana­lysts of all types to dig into the data. Now, busi­nesses big and small can take the data they’ve been col­lect­ing and uncover use­ful cus­tomer infor­ma­tion, which is dri­ving change in the way mar­keters work.



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