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Technique 1: “Operation Land Grab”

There are companies in your industry (consulting services, technology products, industry analysts) that have the land (leads not in your pipeline) that your sales team wants to attract; all you need to do is capture the land. Using a high volume of insights, you will develop a scheduled system to guest blog on websites that will drive their leads into your sales pipeline.

Technique 2: Event Lead Exchanges. 3 Best Practices For Event Exchanges

Build promotional packages for panelist and promotional partners.
Clearly outline social post schedules, email templates and so on.
Outline your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) that you want to attract for the event. 
Technique 3: Re-Purpose & Recycle Your Top Content

HubSpot has some incredible analytics from its own blog: “92% of their leads come from blog posts over 30 days old. 30 blog posts (0.5% of their blog database) represents 46% of all their leads!”