Make Your Team Smarter Overnight: 5 Brain-Based Tools - Forbes | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

These 5 brain-based tools will help you make your team, and yourself, smarter overnight.

Advanced/ Condensed...

1. Use the 2 Types of Communication That Drive Results.

There are 5 types of communication, but only 2 that drive results. Wouldn’t it be cool to kick off the new year with more effective communication? More requests and promises are the key.


2.       Shift from Tension to Empowerment.

True empowerment means choice to respond, not react. Where do you go when you get triggered? Victim, rescuer or persecutor? Use these charts to shift from where you don’t want to be to where you do!


3.       Navigate Revenue Inflection Points Intentionally.

Navigating to, and through, increasing levels of revenue is formulaic. Follow this chart and you’ll get what you want.


4.       Use Outcome Frames.

Outcome frames are the fastest way to find out what you truly want, to resolve conflict, to get aligned. To be guided through an extended outcome frame via video click here.


5.       Focus 70%+ Of Your Time On HVAs.

Track your high value activities (HVAs) and low value activities (LVAs). Resolve to get to 70%+ of HVAs in the next 60 days.



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