Your Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet: Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird - Moz | The MarTech Digest |


There is probably a good percentage of the Moz audience that is still confused about the effects that Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird can have on your site.


The point of this article is to explain very simply what each of these algorithms are meant to do. It is hopefully a good reference that you can point your clients to if you want to explain an algorithm change and not overwhelm them with technical details about 301s, canonicals, crawl errors, and other confusing SEO terminologies.



What is an algorithm change?


What is the Panda algorithm?

   -- >  Thin content

   -- >  Duplicate content

   -- >  Low-quality content

   -- >  How to recover from a Panda hit


What is the Penguin algorithm?

   -- >  Why are links important?

   -- >  How to recover from a Penguin hit?


What is Hummingbird?

So how do I recover or improve in the eyes of Hummingbird?



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