Why Medium.com Is Critical for Your Marketing Strategy - Marketing Technology Blog | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it
The best tools for online marketing are constantly changing. In order to keep up with the times, you need to keep your ear to the ground, to pick up the newest and most effective tools for audience building and traffic conversion.


The Medium web app is currently generating tremendous buzz because it has the capability to bring the right kinds of audiences to your online portfolio.


The free Medium.com web app is fairly new to the scene, having appeared live on the web in July 2012 after receiving backing from Twitter. Medium is a content-driven, minimalistic website that connects audiences with articles that are relevant and helpful to their lives.


The blog entries and articles posted on Medium are living documents, with a dynamic comment system which allows readers to highlight key points and add margin comments. Try to imagine a prettier version of Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes” feature and you sort of have it.


Comments added to your article are private until you review them and mark the comment for public viewing. This can be an excellent way to drive valuable discussion.

At the moment, users must be invited by the Medium.com editorial team to begin publishing on the website. You can easily sign up for a Reader account and get onto the list for editor approval. Use the wait time to seek out other authors within your niche, comment on related posts, and raise your company visibility.



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