How to turn LinkedIn into a relationship filter | Daily Magazine |

The following interview is with Dave Gowel, who has been recognized as a “LinkedIn Jedi” by and the Boston Globe, is the CEO of RockTech, and author of The Power in a Link: Open Doors, Close Deals and Change the Way you do Business Using LinkedIn (Wiley, December 2011). Gowel co-founded RockTech with Mark Rockefeller to build software tools that help corporations increase productivity through quicker adoption of underutilized technologies. The interview has been edited for clarity.

A lot of people see LinkedIn as a recruiting or job hunting network. What are some of the other ways professionals can put LinkedIn to work, once they’ve landed that dream job?


I think one of the key ways to think about it is really a relationship filter, that when you put in all the relationships that you already have, it allows you to see the ones that you could have more easily, or get information about potential ones...

Via Martin Gysler