70 Rising Social Media Stars | Mark Schaefer | The Social Media Times | Scoop.it

Who are the Rising Social Media Stars to watch? These are the marketers, bloggers and podcasters making an impact around the world.

So, with the help of some friends, I decided to create a different kind of list. I wanted to recognize people in a way that was not derived from who could get out the vote or who was cozy with a corporate sponsor. I wanted to create a list that would celebrate amazing people who do not normally show up on lists. I wanted to find the (dramatic music) Future Gurus.

I asked some of the people who are regulars on these “best of” lists to recommend a few people who they believe are on the rise. Who is impressing them, inspiring them, and challenging them?

Who are the unknown stars who will be rocking the social media conferences two or three years from now?...

Via Jeff Domansky