Ask Amped Episode 44 – The Pelican Preachings, The Owner of Amped and Ronald Smash! – YouTube | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“Matt and Anthony are in the brand new studio space for the first episode of Ask Amped at the new Amped warehouse! We’ve also started some new filler segments to entertain you bros, hope you enjoy them!

We’re back to the usual shenanigans and doing our best to answer your deepest and darkest bbwars questions to the best of our abilities on the spot. Ask Amped is a question and answer show where you guys submit your BBwarz questions and we do our best to answer them honestly to the best of our combined knowledge.

Get your comments and questions in for the next episode down below and we’ll do our best to answer them in the upcoming episode!

Also, please visit and follow our other accounts for even more!
Vine: Amped Airsoft Official
Twitter: AmpedAirsoft
Snapchat: amped_airsoft
tumblr: ampedairsoftofficial
Gun Squad: ampedairsoftofficial…”