With Flextime, Bosses Prefer Early Birds to Night Owls | Tidbits, titbits or tipbits? | Scoop.it

Flextime programs have never been more popular than they are today. Google allows many employees to set their own hours. At Microsoft, many employees can choose when to start their day, as long as it’s between 9am and 11am. At the “Big Four” auditing firm KPMG, some 70 percent of employees work flexible hours.


Employees love these programs because they help them avoid compromises between home and at work. Yes, there are often boundaries within which a work day must begin and end, and at least some chunk of core hours that remain common across employees. But within those constraints, workers can schedule their office hours around the various other demands on their time, giving them greater control over their lives and allowing them to accomplish more. And because employees love the programs, companies have learned to love them, too. 


Via The Learning Factor