6 Tools for Personalizing Marketing in the Digital Era | Top Social Media Tools | Scoop.it

In an age of automated everything, is it possible to put a personal touch to your marketing? Of course--even though customers are used to sites like Amazon and Pandora where they can get everything they need easily without ever talking to a person. Fortunately, businesses evolve right along with consumer demands. As the head of a marketing department, it's your job to research and adopt the right technology to make your company as effective as possible. Marketing automation isn't going anywhere, but that doesn't mean your entire marketing approach has to be robotic.

No matter what, customers want to feel like they matter, like they're heard, and like there's a real person on the other end of that transaction. Recently, Help Scout, which is also a really cool customer service tool, released a report on the "personalization" of marketing. It reveals that 70 percent of final purchases are dictated by how a person feels they're being treated as a customer....