5 great resources for Instructional Designers | Training and Assessment Innovation | Scoop.it

Keeping up with the newest theories, designs, and technologies is part of an instructional designer’s job. With so many resources out there it’s difficult to find just one resource that offers everything needed to keep up with advances in the market. Here are a few resources that offer instructional designers resources, ideas, and research that can aid in the development of any design project.


Learning Theories, Concepts, and Design Models

Every instructional designer has had a specific project that is designed based on a precise learning theory, concept, or design model. Let’s face it: We all continue to learn as we grow in the profession. Instructional Design.org provides instructional designers an easy reference to quickly refresh their memory or learn more about the various requests a client may have for a project.


Via Fernando de la Cruz Naranjo Grisales, Net-Learning, Edumorfosis, juandoming