How People Learn:  Bridging Research and Practice in High Quality Online Courseware - Use UDL Approach | UDL - Universal Design for Learning |

To develop and deliver high-quality online courseware that supports domain specific learning, the following guiding principles should be used:

> Support and structure learning to enable students to use the types of investigative and learning strategies modeled or exemplified by disciplinary experts (e.g., scientific inquiry, journalistic strategies, thinking like a historian).
> Build teacher capacity so that they have access to knowledge and resources to effectively support domain-based learning. Courseware should leverage the digital medium to simultaneously support strategies for student learning and teacher effectiveness. 
> Utilize strategies that build meta-awareness and meta-cognitive skills for both students and teachers.
> Design for variability and multiplicity rather than one-size-fits-all solutions by embracing a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach.

> Use familiar and comfortable domains to introduce new domains