UDL Principle 3 and Web 2.0 - Wikis, podcasts and blogs | UDL - Universal Design for Learning | Scoop.it

How can Web 2.0 tools help support UDL Principle 3: the "why" of learning?  Here are just a few example on how wikis, podcasts and blogs can provide "muliple means of expression".


How can wikis help?

> Hyperlinks can be used to make meaningful connections between current content and its “real life” uses

> Hyperlinks can be used to connect to news reports and other information that validates the time spent in class on a topic

> Educators can offer students option to work together in an online format on group projects

> Educators can offer students the option to share work product online (either with or without comments and changes available to viewers)


How can podcasts help?

> Educators can offer multiple podcasts or vodcasts that explain content from different angles

> Educators can allow students to use podcasting (such as songs, radio shows, and news reports) and vodcasting (such as music videos, documentaries, and performing arts) technologies alone or as a group to create projects


How can blogs help?

> Educators can use daily and weekly blog postings to clarify choices and communicate to students and parents which parts are choice and which parts are required

> Educators can use blog postings to frequently make connections between the current content and real-life applications