Ways Universal Design for Learning Can Benefit All Types of Learners - Five UDL Tips for Teachers | UDL - Universal Design for Learning | Scoop.it

The authors of this excellent article on how UDL can benefit all types of learners present a universal design lesson for educators: 


"If we think about and plan the best way to deliver the information for all students, not only will our instruction improve but it will also be accessible to everyone in the classroom.


For UDL to be both effective and properly implemented, the practitioner needs to know the difference between accommodating and modifying learning."  They illustrate this distinction through a fishing tale. 


They go on to describe 5 effective UDL Tips for Teachers that when used effectively as accomodations will cultivate a group of learners capable of experienceing success beyond the classroom.


1. Provide digital notes

2. Use screen readers/audio books

3. Allow extra time

4. Use noise-reducing technology

5. Differentiate assessments


Thank you Jason Rogers and Keith van der Meer for your insight and inspiring lesson!