Ideas on Universal Design for Learning | Ecology of Education | UDL - Universal Design for Learning |

"In this Kappa Delta Pi Record article, Susan Trostle Brand (University of Rhode Island/Kingston), Antoinette Favazza (University of Rhode Island), and Elizabeth Dalton (TechACCESS) present ways that teachers can use Universal Design for Learning to make lessons accessible to students with a wide spectrum of learning styles and abilities:


> Multiple means of representation – Giving students options for perception, language and symbols, and comprehension"


> Multiple means for engagement – A constructivist approach can support active engagement through:

- Recruiting student interest

- Sustaining effort and persistence

- Self-regulation


> "Multiple means for action and expression – Varying physical action, expressive skills and fluency, and executive functions


> Multiple means of assessing understanding – This includes methods, formats, scope/range level, product and outcome, and feedback"


“Universal Design for Learning: A Blueprint for Success for All Learners” by Susan Trostle Brand, Antoinette Favazza, and Elizabeth Dalton in Kappa Delta Pi Record, July-September 2012 (Vol. 48, #3, p. 134-139),