Rat Infestation Causes First Outbreak of Hantavirus in Washington, DC | Virus World | Scoop.it

Infection cases from rat infestation have sparked the first hantavirus outbreak in Washington, DC. Rat infestation in Washington, DC has caused the first hantavirus outbreak in the United States capital.  A new health report on Friday, March 4, showed that two people reportedly contracted the rats' virus. The two victims experienced deadly hemorrhagic and respiratory diseases. The hantavirus was first identified in South Korea and can be acquired from rodents and mice-which can be passed to humans; as one of the many cases of zoonotic diseases or the transfer of infectious diseases from animals to humans.  On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a new health report concerning the first hantavirus outbreak in Washington, DC. The report contains the evaluation of two patients who contracted the virus back in May 2018 and November 2018.  Both patients showed symptoms of headache and vomiting with indications they related to the hemorrhagic and respiratory disease of hantavirus from rodents. In the report, the cause of both patients' was explored by the CDC. Patient A was a maintenance worker at his Washington, DC workplace-described to have frequent sightings of rodents. Meanwhile, patient B worked as a dishwasher and an assistant plumber. The CDC concluded that the outbreak was a result of both local and international infection.