GSK ends development of Ebola vaccine, hands work to U.S. institute  | Virus World |

British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline is giving up its work on developing three potential vaccines against the deadly Ebola and Marburg viruses, despite an ongoing Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo.


While Ebola is a deadly and contagious disease, it is also still relatively rare, making the potential market for a vaccine sporadic and very likely unprofitable. This poses a dilemma for drug companies: With no real prospect of a financial return, can they justify the investment in expensive development and trials. GSK’s vaccine candidates - two designed to protect against Ebola and one against the Marburg virus - will be transferred to the Sabin Vaccine Institute in Washington, D.C., the British drugmaker said in a statement. There is no financial element to the agreement, a spokesman said.


The transfer agreement will see Sabin continue to develop the candidate vaccines, one of which - a potential Ebola shot known as ChAd3 - has been through mid-stage, Phase II, trials in Africa and could possibly be used to halt or limit future Ebola epidemics.  “Enabling Sabin to build on the scientific progress GSK has delivered up to Phase II increases the likelihood these candidate vaccines may help prevent potential future outbreaks,” Thomas Breuer, chief medical officer of GSK Vaccines, said in a statement.

GSK had put its Ebola vaccine work on hold after it was unable to progress the product through final stage, or Phase III, clinical trials toward the end of the 2014-16 epidemic, due to a dwindling number of Ebola cases.