My Covid-19 Symptoms Have Lasted 100-Plus Days. I'm Not Alone | Virus World |

My first Covid-19 symptoms appeared March 14. More than 100 days later, Covid-19 is still with me. Some days I wonder if it will ever leave. In the early days, as my symptoms fluctuated, I was determined not to go to the emergency department or urgent care because it seemed like there were too many people who needed the help more than I did. Maybe I was especially sensitive to overcrowding in emergency departments because I’m a physician. But it turns out that this strategy was a common one. In New York City, where I live and work, there were more than 5,000 excess deaths not directly linked to Covid-19 between March 11 and May 2, likely because people were delaying care or not going to emergency departments or urgent care due to fear of contracting Covid-19 or oversaturating the medical system.


I did eventually go to the emergency department one day when the abdominal pain and nausea were severe. Routine testing showed that the level of liver enzymes in my blood was higher than it should have been, but not much more, and I was sent home. Once day 14 had passed, my fear of an impending respiratory collapse turned into an uncertainty about the trajectory of my disease and a desperation for answers. I contacted my doctors regularly, hoping their responses would bring relief in the form of some intervention. Yet most of their efforts did little to significantly change the course of my symptoms.....