Infographics: More Than Meets Eye... | Visualization Techniques and Practice |

The human brain processes visual information much faster and digests this type of content concurrently, whereas it takes more time to break text down. So, for many, it makes more than just sense to have your complex information delivered to your target audience in the most legible format...

Infographics make good use of brain’s ability to assimilate knowledge and information through the visual medium, making tough-to-crack-data appealing. Simply put, an infographic is a carefully composed collage of images, content, charts, stats, diagrams, animations & video to graphically represent information.

Infographics are used by various quarters such as educational institutions, acadamecians, businesses, newspapers, and just anybody who are serious about putting across their point in the most simplest manner. Infographics take different forms- venn diagrams, charts, timelines, maps and more. They are not merely a design or an image or random data; their purpose should be seen from every angle.

Visit the link to learn more about the process of creating infographics, how to implement online tools and resources, and best practices...

Via Lauren Moss