5 Ways to Better Resonate with Who You Are and Align with Source Energy | wealth business & social media | Scoop.it

I have a friend who is battling with severe depression, it’s absolutely heart breaking. What I have come to learn is, a healthy mind is critical to being a happy person. When there is a chemical imbalance, like my friend has, it’s a daily challenge to to survive mental anguish. I believe when we connect with Source Energy through prayer and meditation we can relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Prescribed drugs are more than likely required, however, I have seen medication do more harm than good. I believe there is a trial and error factor with finding the right drug or in some cases combination of drugs to find equal librium and peace to the soul. The resources available to help someone like my friend are sparse and often times an advocate is needed. I question daily how to I help my friend find ways to feel better. How we “feel” is the root of everything bad and good. If we feel awful, how do we turn it around to feel good? I believe the solution includes aligning with source energy and the power of God. It’s making the healthy decision that you want to feel good and you’ll reach for the healthiest options of prayer and meditation to soothe your soul ... pray for wellbeing ��

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