Starting a #Makerspace from Scratch: Introducing The IDEAlab & Makerspace - Diana Rendina @DianaLRendina #makered | Tech Help for Teachers |
The IDEAlab &  Makerspace is my school’s space for creative exploration in our library.  But not too long ago, the room was the librarian’s office and a storage space (it’s still my office too).  Before I was hired in the summer of 2017, plans were in place to transform the room into a virtual reality laboratory.  Cabinets were removed, desks were installed and computers with VR headsets were setup, as well as a 3D printer. A whiteboard and interactive projector were mounted on the wall, allowing airplay from Apple devices (the school is 1:1 iPad) or projection of students individual computer screens, making it easier for more students to observe VR.  The name IDEAlab (Innovate Design Explore Apply) was chosen. So on my first day, the IDEAlab already existed. But the makerspace was yet to come.

Via John Evans